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Friday, March 11, 2011

A necklace I'd buy

I love making things.  I love making things that are cheap to make but look expensive to buy.  Well, maybe not expensive but definitely not cheap.  So, when I saw these on another blog (Little Birdie Secrets) I was completely inspired.  I'd like to take credit for the things I make and decorations people think I come up with but I must admit I rarely have an original idea.  It's more like an original steal.  And so I take credit.  I do.  And I don't feel bad about it.  Except when I share it online.  Cuz I really like Little Birdie Secrets.  Since I live on the West Coast and in a small town in Central Oregon I will mention stores that we have here but we are limited since there are only about 80,000 people in this little town.  I had a few birthday presents to make one weekend and knew I needed to go inexpensive.  Giving presents is one of the things that makes me happiest.  I'm not one to just grab anything I see on my way to a party.  I love searching for things people will love and absolutely love to see them open it and love it (of course I'm sure there are some that fake it just fine).  I saw these necklaces and quickly took a trip to Michael's (every craft lovers dream, as long as you have in tow their 40% off coupon).  I went straight to the jewelry section and saw the beautiful glass/crystal pendants (they're really plastic but look nicer, huh?).  I bought one with the coupon then went straight to the clearance section and bought some more there.  I bought some strands of metal (that looked the most like sterling silver but cost much less) and measured what I thought would be enough for the 3 pendants I had bought.  Note: I always keep a mini tape measure in my purse since I'm an event planner and they come in very handy.  I bought some glue that said it works on metal and plastic and dries clear (and was cheap) and then went home and went to work on my necklaces.  The pattern behind the pendant is just paper I had left in my scrapbooking materials.  I traced the pendants with a pencil, cut them out, glued the paper onto the back of the pendants, strung the necklaces through them and voila I had 3 necklaces for about $5 each.  No one knows they're that cheap when you wrap them in a jewelry box with a cute ribbon (real, always use real) and tie a precious bow on top (unless you're one of the 3 people I gave them to and you're reading this:). So, there you go.  I've had people say they want to buy one from me so if you're interested they're $15 for those of you who simply don't want to fight your way through Michael's and try to learn to make a necklace on youtube.   


  1. I love these! They are adorable, and I love mine!

  2. I love mine! To me it's worth a million bucks!!!! Love your blog and love you more!
